Recents in Beach

Administrative System of India


1.       What is the name of our country?

Ans. Bharat


2.       By which names our country is known?

Ans. Besides India, this country is also known as Jumbo Island, Aryavarta, Bharatvarsha, Hindustan, Hind and Bharat .


3.       What is the capital of India ?

Ans. New Delhi


4.       What type of Government system has been adopted in India ?

Ans. Democratic System


5.       What is the Democratic system if Governance ?

Ans. Country is ruled by the elected people of the country.


6.       Who is the head of the state of the India ?

Ans. The President


7.       Which government organistatin helps predident to carry out its functions ?

Ans. Parliament


8.       What are the main organs of the Parliament?

Ans. Rajya Sabha and Lok sabha


9.       What are the maximum numbers of members in the Lok sabha?

Ans. 545


10.    How many members of the Lok sabha are nominate by the president?

Ans. 2


11.    What is Lok sabha?

Ans. It is a body that comprises the elected members of the country.


12.    By what name the members of Lok sabha are known ?

Ans. Member of Parliament (M.P.)


13.    What is Rajya sabha?

Ans. Rajya sabha is an organ which comprises the members elected by the members  of the Legislative Assembly of the states of India.


14.    By what name the member of the Rajya sabha known ?

Ans. M.P. (Member of Parliament )


15.    What is the number of the members of Rajya sabha? ?

Ans. 250


16.    How many members of the Rajya Sabha are nominated by the president?

Ans. 12


17.    What is the minister of councils?

Ans. The body that assists the President in discharging his duties?


18.    Who is the head of the minister of councils?

Ans. The Prime Minister of the country.


19.    Who is the Prime Minister of India ?

Ans. The leader of the majority party of the Lok sabha is elected the Prime Minister of India .


20.    Who are the members of the councils of minister ?

Ans. The members of the council of minister are the members from either Lok sabha or Rajya sabha . They are called ministers.


21.    What is the tenure of Lok sabha?

Ans. 5 years, It can also be dissolved before completing its tenure.


22.    What is the tenure of Rajya sabha?

Ans. 6 years.It is a permanent-body


23.    Who discharges the duty of the President of India in his/her absence?

Ans. Vice-President


24.    Who is the chairperson of Rajya sabha?

Ans. Vice-President


25.    How the President of India if elected?

Ans. The members of the Lok Sabha , Rajya sabha and the legislative assemblies of the states elect the President of India through secret ballot.


26.    How the Vice-President of India is elected?

Ans. The members of the Lok Sabha and Rajya sabha elect the Vice President of India?


27.    What is the tenure of the President of India?

Ans. 5 years


28.    What is the tenure of the Vice-President of India?

Ans. 5 years


29.    Who is the head of the Judiciary system of India ?

Ans. The chief justice of India


30.    Where is the Supreme Court of India?

Ans. New Delhi


31.    In how many states and union territories India is divided for its smooth functioning?

Ans. 28 states and 7 union territories


32.    What is the difference between the state and Union territory?

Ans. The state is ruled by the elected people of the state whereas the Union territory is governed by the representative of the Government of India.



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