Recents in Beach

Languages , Religions , Festivals and Climate of India



1.What is the national language of India?

Ans. Hindi

2.What are the official languages of India?

Ans. Hindi and English

3.In which script Hindi is written?

Ans. Devnagri

4.How many and which languages are recognized in Indian constitution?

Ans. 22 languages are recognized in the Indian constitution which are given below :

1.       Hindi  

2.       Sanskrit

3.       Tamil

4.       Kannad

5.       Malyalam

6.       Telgu

7.       Urdu

8.       Assami

9.       Kashmiri

10.    Sindhi

11.    Konkani

12.    Bangla

13.    Manipuri

14.    Gujarati

15.    Marathi

16.    Oria

17.    Punjabi

18.    Nepali

19.    Bodo

20.    Dogri

21.    Maithili and

22.    Santhali


5.What are the popular religions of India ?

Ans. 1. Hindu-- Mahabharat , Ramayan , Bhagwatgeeta, Upanishada, and Ved.

         2. Isla-- Quoran

         3. Christian--Bible

         4. Sik-- Guru Granth Sahib

         5. Buddhis--Jataka Pitaka

         6. Jainis-- Jain Sutra

         7. Pars-- Zenda Avesta.


6.What are the famous festivals of different religions of India?

Ans. Hindu-- Dashhara , Holi, Saraswati puja, Deepawali

         Isla-- Eid, Bakrid-Id , Muharram

         Christia-- Xmas, Good Friday

         Sik-- Guru Govind Jayanti , Guru Parva , Vaishakhi


7.What type of Climate India has?

Ans.-- Monsoon type

8.What types of Seasons India has?

Ans. India has following seasons :

(i.)                 Winter Season-- This is a cold season. It starts in November and ends in the last week of February.

(ii.)                Summer Season -- This season has warm day and night. It starts in April and ends in the last week of June.

(iii.)              Spring Season-- In this season old leaves fall from the tree and new leaves grow. It starts and ends in the month of March.

(iv.)              Rainy Season-- It rains in whole India during this season . It starts in the last of June and ends in the last of September.



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