Recents in Beach

Structure of Human-body


1.       What is the structure of Human-body?

Ans. The human body is like a complicated machine. It is made of several active organs. The smallest unit of the human body is cell.Tissue is made of several cells. The organs are made of several tissues and the organ system is composed of several organs.


2.       What is the Skeleton system?

Ans. All the bones and cartilages collectively form a system which is called the Skeleton system. It provides a rigid and solid shape to the body. Thus the skeleton system is the base of the human body.


3.       What is Bone?

Ans. It is rigid, hard and white-coloured . Generally, it is made of calcium and phosphorous.



4.       What is Skull?

Ans. Skull is a hard bony structure that protects the brain. It is made up of 22 bones.



5.       How many bones are in the human body?

Ans. 206


6.       What are the Vertebrae?

Ans. The vertebrae are the small bones that make the vertebral column.


7.       How many vertebrae are in the Human-body?

Ans. 33


8.       What is Ribcage?

Ans. The bones that enclose the heart and lungs form the ribcage.It includes the ribs, sternum and vertebral column.


9.       What is the name of the largest bone of Human body?

Ans. Femur


10.    What is the name of the largest bone of Human body ?

Ans. Stapes


11.    What is digestive system ?

Ans. The organs used to digest the food taken by the human being are called digestive system . In this phenomenon food-pipe and digestive organs are participated .


12.    How many types of teeth are found in the Human body and what is the number of teeth ?

Ans. Teeth are of four types – Incisor,Canine , Premolar and Molar.

The maximum number of teeth in human mouth is 32.


13.    What is salivary glands ?

Ans. It is found in human mouth. It secrets an enzyme called ptylin.


14.    What is the main function of Ptylin?

Ans. It converts the carbohydrates present in the food into maltose.


15.    Which gland is found in human stomach ?

Ans. Gastric gland , which secrets an enzyme called gastric juice.


16.    What types of enzymes are found in gastric juice ?

Ans. Pepsin ,gastric lipase and rennin.


17.    What is the main function of Pepsin ?

Ans. Pepsin converts protein into peptide.


18.    What is the main function of gastric lipse ?

Ans. It converts fat into fatty acid and glycerol.


19.    What is the main function of rennin ?

Ans. It digests milk.


20.    What is liver ?

Ans. It is a gland of human-body which is situated at the right side above the abdomen.


21.    What is the largest gland of human body ?

Ans. Liver


22.    What is Pancreas?

Ans. It is both ductless and ductfull gland . It secrets harmones named insulin.


23.    Which disease is caused due to the lack of insulin?

Ans. Diabetes


24.    What is respiratory system ?

Ans. Organs which participate in respiration are collectively known as Respiratory system.


25.    What is lung?

Ans. It is them main organs of respiratory system .Blood is purified in it . Lungs are two in number.


26.    What is Kidney ?

Ans. It is the main organ of exeretory system. Kidney is two in number.


27.    What is Circulatory system ?

Ans. The organs which participate in blood-circulation is called circulatory system.


28.    What is Heart ?

Ans. The heart is a circular organ . It is situated in the middle of lungs in between the fifth and sixth ribs of the chest.


29.    What is heart-beat ?

Ans. The contraction and relaxation of heart is called heart-beat.


30.    How many times human heart-beats in a minute .

Ans. 72


31.    What is the main function of Heart ?

Ans. The main function of heart is to send pure blood to the different parts of the body.


32.    What is an artery ?

Ans. It is a tube through which pure blood is distributed to the different parts of the body .


33.    What are veins?

Ans. Veins are the blood vessels which carry the impure blood to the heart.


34.    What is blood-transfusion ?

Ans. The transfer of blood from one person to another is called blood-transfusion.


35.    What is Skin ?

Ans. It is the outer part which covers the body.


36.    What is Muscles ?

Ans. Muscles are fleshy bundles of thin , elastic-like material in the body connected to the bones by tendons.


37.    How many muscles are there in our body?

Ans. There are about 650 muscles in our body and each one is responsible for a particular movement.

38.    What is Tendons?

Ans. Tendons are strong fibres that connect bones to muscles.


39.    What is Nervous system?

Ans. Those group of organs which controls and regulates the activities of all the other systems of the body is called Nervous system.





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