Recents in Beach

Introduction of The Earth


1.       What is the Earth?

Ans. The earth is a planet of the solar system where.This is the only planet in the solar system where life exists.


2.       Which planet or planets has/have life?

Ans. Only on the earth.


3.       Why other planets of the solar system don’t have life?

Ans. Because other planets don’t have water, air and other factors which are necessary for life.


4.       Why is the life possible on the earth?

Ans. Because the earth has the water, air and other factors necessary for the life.


5.       We are the inhabitants of which planet of the solar system?

Ans.The earth


6.       What is the position of the earth among the planets of the solar system?

Ans.It is the fifth largest planet and third from the sun. It is situated in between the Venus and the Mars.


7.       What is the shape of the earth?

Ans. The earth is like an orange . It is flattened on the pole and protuberant on the equator.


8.       What percentage of the earth have water and land?

Ans. Water – 71% and land 29%


9.       What is the total land area of the earth?

Ans. 14,89,51,100 square kilometer


10.    What is the total water area of the earth?

Ans. 36,11,50,000 square kilometer


11.    What is the equalitorial diameter of the earth?

Ans. 12756 km.


12.    What is the polar diameter of the earth?

Ans. 12713 km.


13.    What is the temperature of the centre of the earth?

Ans. 2000 degree Celsius


14.    How many times the sun is larger than the earth?

Ans. 109 times


15.    Which planet is similar to the earth in size and shape?

Ans. The Venus


16.    What is the time taken by the moon to complete a revolution around the earth?

Ans.27 days and 8 hours


17.    What is the time taken by the earth to complete a rotation about its axis?

Ans. 24 hours


18.    How much time is taken by the earth to revolve around the sun?

Ans. 365 days and 6 hours


19.    Due to which motion of the earth day and night occur ?

Ans. Due to rotational movement


20.    Due to which motion of the earth the season changes ?

Ans. Due to revolution of the earth.


21.    What is the axis of the earth ?

Ans. The imaginary line joining the north and south poles of the earth is called the axis of the earth.


22.    What is the orbit of the earth?

Ans. The path on which the earth revolves around the sun is called the orbit of the earth.


23.    What is the direction of the rotation and revolution of the earth?

Ans.From west to east


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