Recents in Beach

Important Scientific Instruments And Their Uses


1.       Speedometer

Use – It is an instrument used in a vehicle to record its speed.


2.       Aerometer

Use – It measures the weight and volumes of the air and gases.


3.       Altimeter

Use – It measures altitudes used in Aircraft.


4.       Anemometer

Use – It measures the force and velocity of wind.


5.       Calorimeter

Use – It measures the quantity of heat.


6.       Electroscope

Use – It detects the presence of an electric charge.


7.       Cardiogram

Use – It traces movements of the heart, recorded on a cardiograph.


8.       Telephone

Use – Two persons residing at two different places can talk.


9.       Transformer

Use – It converts A.C. Voltage from high to low or vice-versa.


10.    Pyrometer

Use – It measures the high temperature.


11.    Fathometer

Use – It measures the depth of the sea.


12.    Manometer

Use – It measures the pressure of the gas.


13.    Microscope

Use – It is used to obtain a magnified view of small objects.


14.    Radiator

Use – It is used for cooling engines.


15.    Lactometer

Use – It is used for measuring the purity of milk.


16.    Seismograph

Use – It is used for measuring the intensity of the earthquake.


17.    Hygrometer

Use –  It is used to measure the humidity of the atmosphere.


18.    Dynamo

Use – It converts the mechanical energy into el

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