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Famous Personalities of Indian History


1.       Ashoka  

Ans. He was the most respected and powerful king of Maurya Empire .Ashoka embraced Buddhism after Kalinga –War .He is known as ‘Ashoka The Great’ in Indian history.


2.       Ajatshatru  

Ans. He was the king of Magadh and was contemporary of Mahatma Buddha.


3.       Upgupta  

Ans.  He was a Buddhist Monk and teacher of Ashoka.


4.       Kanishka  

Ans. He was the most famous king of Kushan Dynasty who was known as Second Ashoka.


5.       Kautilya  

Ans. Political guru of Chandragupta Maurya and the author of Arthashastra.


6.       Nagarjuna  

Ans. He was a famous Buddist scholar of 2nd century AD.


7.       Chandragupta Maurya  

Ans. He was the founder of the Maurya Empire . He founded the empire with the help of Kautilya.


8.       Kalidas  

Ans. He was the court-poet of Chandragupta Vikramaditya. He wrote the famous books – Raghuvansham, Abhigyanshakuntalam and Meghdutan.


9.       Charak  

Ans. Author of Charak Sanhita and physician of ancient India.


10.    Samudragupta  

Ans. He was a great king of Gupta Dynasty and is also known as Indian Napolean.


11.    Harshavardhana  

Ans. The famous king of Harsha Dynasty in whose reign the famous Chinese traveler Huen Tsang visited India.


12.    Chandragupta Vikramaditya  

Ans. Famous king of Gupta Dynasty in whose reign famous Chinese traveler Fa-Hien visited India.




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