Recents in Beach


1.       A.A.  --  Automatic Association


2.       A.A.A.  --  Accumulated Adjustment Account


3.       A.A.F.  --  Auxiliary Air Force


4.       A.B.R.  --  Automated Budget Reallocation


5.       A.B.U.  --  Asian Pacific-Broadcasting Union


6.       a/c.  --  Account


7.       A.D.  --  Anno Domini


8.       A.D.B.  --  Asian Development Bank


9.       A.D.E.  --  Aeronautical Development Establishment


10.    A.G.F.  --  Asian Games Federation


11.    A.I.C.C.  --  All Indian Congress Committee


12.    A.I.D.  --  Agency for International Development


13.    A.I.I.M.S.  --  All Indian Institute of Medical Science


14.    A.I.O.E.  --  All India Organization for Employeers


15.    A.M.  --  Ante Meridian


16.    A.M.C.  --  Army Medical Corps


17.    A.O.P.O.C.  --  Arab Organizaton of Petroleum Exporting Countries


18.    A.P.C.  --  Agriculture Prices Commission


19.    A.P.H.L.C.  --  All Parities Hill Leaders’Conference



1.       B.A.  --  Bachelor of Arts; British Academy


2.       B.A.R.C.  --  Bhaba Automic Research Centre


3.       B.B.B.  --  Bank Board Bureau


4.       B.B.C.  --  British Broadcasting Corporation


5.       B.C.  --  Before Christ


6.       B.C.C.L.  --  Bharat Cokin Coal Limited


7.       B.O.A.C.  --  British Overseas Airways Corporation


8.       B.C.G.  --  Becillus Calmette Guerin


9.       B.I.S.  --  Bank of International Settlements


10.    B.M.I.  --  Body Mass Index


11.    B.P.E.  --  Bureau of Public Enterprises


12.    B.R.L.  --  Bharat Refineries


13.    B.R.I.C.  --  Brazil , Russia , India , China


14.    B.S.F.  --  Border Security Force


15.    B.S.S.  --  Bharat Sewak Samaj


16.    B.Th.U.  --  British Thermal Unit



1.       C.A.C.P.  --  Commission for Agricultural Cost and Prices


2.       CAMELS   --  Capital Adequacy , Asset Quality , Management , Earnings , Liquidity and Systems Control

3.       C.A.R.E.  --  Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere


4.       C.A.S.  --  Chief of Army Staff ; Chief of Air Staff


5.       C.B.I.  --  Central Bureau of Investigation ; Central Bank of India


6.       C.C.I.  --  Cricket Club of India


7.       C.I.A.  --  Central Intelligence Agency (of U.S.A.)


8.       C.I.D.  --  Criminal Investigation Department


9.       C.L.R.C  --  Central Land Reforms Committee


10.  --  Commander-in-Chief


11.    C.I.L.  --  Coal India Limited




1.       D.A.  --  Dearness Allowance ; Daily Allowance


2.       D.A.E.  --  Department of Atomic Energy


3.       D.C.  --  Direct Current


4.       D.C.L.  --  Doctor of Civil Law


5.       D.D.A.  --  Delhi Development Authority


6.       D.I.S.E.  --  Distinct Information System for Education


7.       D.L.O.  --  Dead Letter Office ; District Livestock Officer


8.       D.M.  --  District Magistrate


9.       D.N.A.  --  De-oxyribonucleic Acid


10.    D.Sc.  --  Doctor of Science


11.    D.R.D.O.  --  Defence Research and Deveolpment Organization



1.       E.A.R.C.  --  Economic Administration Reforms Commission


2.       E.C.A.  --  European Co-operation Administration


3.       E.C.I.L.  --  Electronics Corporation of India Limited


4.       E.C.U.  --  European Currency Unit


5.       E.S.R.O.  --  European Space Research Organzation


6.       E.V.M.  --  Electronic Volting Machine


7.       E.W.S.  --  Economically Weaker Sections



1.       F.A.C.T.  --  Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd.


2.       F.A.O.  --  Food and Agriculture Organization


3.       F.B.I.  --  Federal Bureau of Investigation


4.       F.C.I.  --  Food Corporation of India


5.       F.I.C.C.I  --  Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry


6.       F.R.I.  --  Forest Research Institute


7.       F.T.A.  --  Free Trade Agreement


8.       F.P.S.  --  Food-Pound-Second (System)


1.       G.D.R.  --  German Democratic Republic (East Germany)


2.       G.E.R.  --  Gender Empowerment Measure


3.       G.I.S.T.  --  Global Institute of Science and Technology


4.       G.P.R.S.  --  General Packet Radio Service


5.       G.S.I.  --  Geological Survey of India


6.       G.S.T.P.  --  Global System of Trade Preferences


7.       G.N.P.  --  Gross National Product


8.       G.M.T.  --   Greenwich Mean Time






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